Integrating Resilient SWP into Decision-Making Processes
North American Great Lakes, North America
Description: Concerns over the use of climate models for water resources planning, design, and operations reached a deep crisis in the late 2000s. One of the most important responses came through the application of so-called bottom-up approaches to risk assessment and reduction. These approaches emphasize the analysis of risk by: (a) engaging directly with stakeholders and decision makers early in a project design and planning process in order to define success, failure, and relevant performance metrics; and (b) developing a quantitative model of the system in order to test weaknesses. Bottom-up approaches are notable for their ability to cope with climate uncertainties more effectively than many traditional top-down approaches, which tend to define a set of risks without reference to the system in question.
Brown, C , Ghile, Y , Laverty, M and Li, K 2012 “Decision Scaling: Linking Bottom-Up Vulnerability Analysis with Climate Projections in the Water Sector ” Water Resources Research, 48 (9)
García, L E , Matthews, J H , Rodriguez, D J , Wijnen, M , DiFrancesco, K N and Ray, P 2014 Beyond Downscaling: a Bottom-Up Approach to Climate Adaptation for Water Resources Management. Washington, DC: World Bank Group
Mendoza, G F , Jeuken, A , Matthews, J H , Stakhiv, E Z , Kucharski, J and Gilroy, K 2018 Climate Risk Informed Decision Analysis (CRIDA): Collaborative Water Resources Planning for an Uncertain Future. Paris, France, and Alexandria, VA, USA: UNESCO-IHP, ICIWaRM.
Ray, P A and Brown, C M 2015 Confronting Climate Uncertainty in Water Resources Planning and Project Design: The Decision Tree Framework. Washington, DC.
Verbist, K , Rojas, P and Maureira, H 2018 A Stress Test for Climate Change Impacts on Water Security: Case Study From the Limarí Watershed in Chile.Paris: UNESCO.

©Pawel Zygmunt/TNC Photo Contest 2021